3DGIS is an Italian software house, with offices in Padua and Rovigo.
Built on multi-year experience in GeoICT design and GIS development, 3DGIS is a melting pot of computer science, engineering, architecture and communications skills, aimed to improve geospatial management.
We have deep knowledge of the geospatial domain, with expertise in 2D and 3D WebGIS solutions analysis, design and development.
During project development, the customer is involved in every activity: from the preparatory analysis to the development phase, which is delivered using Agile techniques.
3DGIS and your organisation
If you work with geospatial data or your activities are delivered on the field, we can help:
- public government and organisations,
- topography and surveying companies,
- utility companies,
- transportation and road maintenance companies,
- water, gas and sewer management companies,
- engineering, urban planning and geology studios,
- street lighting companies.