3DGIS al Geodesign Summit Europe 2014 con “Planning for safety and managing emergencies”

3DGIS parteciperà il giorno 12 settembre 2014 al Geodesign Summit Europe che si terrà a Delft in Olanda.

Presenteremo la nostra soluzione Sirio, ideale per governare i processi della Protezione Civile e progettare secondo le dinamiche del Geodesign raccogliendo feedback dalla gestione del rischio e dell’emergenza.

Planning for safety and managing emergencies

Environmental hazards occurrences in the last few years have been constantly increasing and risk management techniques and tools have assumed great importance both in planning, where safety aspects require more and more consideration, and managing emergencies.

Geodesign, as the emerging method of planning, should therefore give proper consideration to safety in its approach and should include a set of appropriate tools to address the matter properly.

From our experience this set of tools can be provided by a comprehensive and integrated safety oriented WebGIS which includes the tools needed in the planning phase and at the same time the tools necessary to provide support in case of an emergency..

This safety oriented  WebGIS should be based on four  main pillars: risk assessment, emergency oriented data collection, emergency management simulation and real-time emergency management and information collection.

Risk assessment is clearly the starting point, the second pillar provides the knowledge on what helpful resources are available and where, the third is needed  to evaluate the alternatives in case of a real emergency and the fourth  is crucial in order to ensure the resolution of the emergency and is based on data and simulation evaluated before.

This is in our view the most effective approach as it takes into consideration safety from the planning phases to the emergencies simulations allowing the feedback necessary for a good planning.

Managing real emergencies provides a further feedback to the whole system, and eventually again to the planning phase.

Based on this approach and taking into account a methodology adopted by the Italian Civil Protection Department, we at 3DGIS have developed such a WebGis.  So far it has been used by a number of Italian Local Authorities for the preparation of their Civil Protection Plans and for managing real situations of emergencies.

Based on the experiences we are continuously improving the system to provide more effective functions both for the planning and for the operational phases. In this paper we will illustrate our approach and demonstrate some of the main functions offered by the system.

We will adress in detail:

  • GIS-aided data collection for risk assessment;
  • GIS-aided plannnig for safety;
  • GIS-aided risk and emergency management simulation;
  • real-time emergency management support;
  • on the field mobile support;
  • citizen communication pre and during the hazard.

A live demonstration will be given in order to show some important aspects related to usability. Finally the architecture of the system will be briefly illustrated to show its flexibility and robustness at the same time, and to highlight how the adopted achitecture make it possible to achieve and extremely high level of availabilty, so important in case of an emergency.

Pubblicato il 12 September 2014 da 3DGIS