Presentato Cityvu 2.0 al Geodesign Summit Europe 2013

Bringing Geodesign from Science to Practice Whether it’s a building, city, region, or the globe, geodesign allows you to work on a single design while taking into account that design’s cumulative impact on your whole project. The Geodesign Summit Europe is your opportunity to learn about geospatial technologies and best practices that you can immediately apply to your own work.

Cityvu 2.0: a standard-based framework for 3D large-scale geospatial data over the web

  • Web based 3D visualization
  • Automatic generation of urban 3D environment via SDI
  • Optimisation 3D large-scale geodata streaming via the web
  • 3D supported citizen participation

The framework includes level of detail (LOD) support for terrain, LIDAR and generic models. Load and render a large-scale digital terrain model (DTM) stored as a geo-referenced grayscale height map and accessible via OGC WMS or TMS.

Pubblicato il 24 September 2013 da 3DGIS